November with translation
Pán vie o láske Kristovej a vašej pohnutej minulosti. Láska verí a lieči. Verte, že je to ťažké vás primäť ku všetkému dobrému, keď dávate miesto diablovi. Vyvýšte ma a ja vyvýšim vás.
(Mária Eve, 2.11.2010, Dolný kostol, Pezinok)
Dear children,
the Lord knows about the love of Christ and your troubled past. Love believes and heals. Believe me, that it is difficult to persuade you to all good, when you give place to the devil. Lift me up and I will lift up you.
(Mary to Eve, November 2nd,2010, Lower Church, Pezinok)
verím, že je váš Pán tu a vidím i Máriu. Som rád, že je Mária taká velebná. Kliešte sú pri pôrodoch potrebné a my tu, aby sme vás znovuzrodili. Buďte navzájom tolerantní.
(Gabriel Eve, 2.11.2010, Kláštorný kostol, Pezinok)
Dear children, princely,
I believe that your Lord is here and I see Mary as well. I am glad that Mary is so magnificent. Pliers are needed for births and we are here to born you again. Be tolerant one another.
(Gabriel to Eve, November 2nd,2010, Monastic church, Pezinok)
vojde to sem. Ja Sv. Rozália a Sv. Helena máme dnes svoje posolstvá pripravené. Buďte radi, že sme prišli. Pán vie o nás. Pán je rád.
(Sv. Rozália Eve, 10.11.2010)
Dear children,
it will enter here. I St. Rosalie and St. Helena have our messages prepared today. Be glad that we came. God knows about us. The Lord is glad.
(St. Rosalie to Eva, November 10th, 2010)
ja, Sv. Helena mám pre vás kríž a jeho múdrosti. Chcite mať moje veci prezreté. Viaže sa to na moje hľadanie. Pán rozdelil seba a mňa do päť múdrostí? Nie! Ale do veľa. Preto prijmite kríž a jeho múdrosti. Sledujte si to, čo ja vždy poviem a dajte Bohu priestor. Pán prichystal pre vás voľačo krásne a múdre.
(Sv. Helena Eve, 10.11.2010 MK)
Faithful children,
I, St. Helena have for you the Cross and his wisdom. Want to have my things seen. It binds to my search. Did the the Lord divide himself and me to five wisdoms? No! But to many. Therefore accept the cross and his wisdom. Watch it, what I always say, and give to God the space. The Lord prepared for you something beautiful and wise.
(St. Helena to Eva, MCH, November 10th, 2010)
verte v evanielium a hlásajte to, čo je od Pána ďalej iným ľuďom. Pán pripravil pre vás voľačo krásne a to jedzte. Je to vždy pri Pánovej večeri. Je to slovo Božie.
(Sv. Michael, 10.11.2010, MK)
Dear children, princely,
believe in gospel and preach it, what is from the Lord further to other people. The Lord prepared for you something beautiful and eat it. It is always near the Lord's Supper. It is the word of God.
(St. Michael to Eva, November 10th, 2010, MCH)
verím, že Pán vojde k vám, keď vyzlečiete všetko nečisté a hriech sa očistí Pánovým slovom, pokáním a krvou. Radosť nad vami bude veľká. Buďte striezliví a bdejte.
(Sv. Michael, MK, 12.11.2010)
My beautiful children,
I believe that the Lord will enter to you, when you will put off everything impure and the sin will be purified by Lord's word, repentance and blood. The joy over you will be great. Be moderate and watch.
(St. Michael to Eva, MCH, November 12th, 2010)
verte, že Pán zasvätil veci Pánove pre vás kňazom a vy ich prijmite z ich rúk. Som rada, že ste sa učili a učte sa naďalej. Milujem vás vrúcne.
(Mária Eve, 12.11.2010, MK)
Dear children,
believe that the Lord consecrated things of the Lord for you to priests and you accept them from their hands. I am glad that you learned and continue to learn further. I love you dearly.
(Mary to Eva, November 12th, 2010, MCH)
vážnosť môjho poslania je očividná! Som tu pre vás a vaše uzdravenie z nevery.
(Michael Eve, 12.11.2010, MK)
Believing my childre, beautiful,
the seriousness of my mission is evident! I am here for you and your healing from unbelief.
(Michael to Eva, November 12th, 2010, MCH)
sledujte to, čo chce Pán sledovať, milujte to, čo Pán chce, aby ste milovali, obdivujte to, čo Pán pripravil za obdiv. Volajte k jeho menu a k jeho krížu a choďte domov nasýtení.
(Sv. Helena, 12.11.2010, MK)
Beautiful children,
watch it, what the Lord wants to watch, love it, what the Lord wants you to love, admire it, what the Lord prepared for admiration. Call to his name and to his cross, and go home satisfied.
(St. Helena to Eva, November 12th, 2010, MCH)
vojde Pán do Domu Božieho aj dnes i zajtra. Neznesväcujte jeho chrámy! Verte, že je to posolstvo od Sv. Floriána.
(Sv. Florián Eve, 12.11.2010, M)
My dear children, princely,
the Lord will enter to the house of God also today and also tomorrow. Do not desecrate his temples! Believe that this is the message from St. Florian.
(St. Florian to Eva, November 12th, 2010, M)
volám k vám dnes a verte, že je tu Sv. Rozália z Palerma osobne. Volajte k Bohu a verte v nesmrteľnosť? Nie!? Vo večný život! A vaša duša je nesmrteľná!
(Sv. Rozália Eve, 12.11.2010, M)
Dear children,
I call to you today and believe that here is St. Rosalia of Palermo personally. Call to God and believe in immortality? No!? In eternal life! And your soul is immortal!
(St. Rosalie to Eva, November 12th, 2010, M)
neškoďte nikomu kto je váš nepriateľ pokiaľ sa dá udržať pokoj. Som rada, že je tu Pán a viem, že je rád tomuto odkazu. Vyslobodím vás z omylu, že je tu všetko v poriadku! Hrešíte ako satan a nie Pán.
(Sv. Terézia Eve, 14.11.2010, Kl. kostol, Pe)
Dear children,
do not harm to anyone, who is your enemy until it is possible to maintain the peace. I am glad that the Lord is here and I know that he lies this message. I will set you free from the error, that it is all right here! You sin as Satan and not the Lord.
(St. Theresa to Eva, November 14th, 2010, Monastic Church, Pe)
verte, že je blízko moje slovo a moja láska po veľkom pokání bude ešte bližšie. Verte, že ja vás milujem. Pohľadáte si svoje Písma a uvidíte, čo je to za krása.
(Mária Eve, 14.11.2010, Kl. kostol, Pe)
Dear children,
believe that my word is close and my great love after great repentance will be even closer. Believe that I love you. You will look for your Scriptures and see, what is it for the beauty.
(Mary to Eva, November 14th,2010, Monastic Church, Pe)
viera je slabá, keď sa snažíte o dietu. Preto vám radím získať si vedomosti, čas a silu na Pána a na mňa i Máriu. Bojujte s diablom.
(Sv. Terézia Eve, 14.11.2010, Kl. kostol, Pe)
Dear children,
faith is weak, when try for the diet. Therefore, I advise you to gain knowledges, time and strength on the Lord and on me and also Mary. Fight with the devil.
(St. Therese to Eva, November 14th, Monastic Church, Pe)
som tu i Mária a Pán. Volajte k Pánu s čistým srdcom. Verte, že ja som čistý a svätý, verte, že je to vôľa Božia sa očisťovať a udržiavať ako sklo a kryštál.
(Sv. Gabriel Eve, 20.11.2010, MK)
Dear children, princely,
I am here and also Mary and the Lord. Call to the Lord with the pure heart. Believe that I am pure and holy, believe that it is the will of God to cleanse and maintain as glass and crystal.
(St. Gabriel to Eva, November 20th, MK)
ja som tu a som rada, že vy veríte a beriete ma vážne. Som rada, že ste v sviatočnej nálade. Poďte za mnou! Bude svadba Baránkova.
(Mária, 20.11.2010, MK)
My dear children,
I am here and I am glad that you believe and take me me seriously. I am glad that you are in festive mood. Follow me! There will be the marriage of the Lamb.
(Mary to Eva, November 20th, 2010, MK)