Modlitba za tresty a pokarhania
Modlitba za tresty a pokarhania (za to, aby sa nerozdelili na ľudí)
Prosíme Ťa, Pane a náš Všemohúci Bože, neuvoď nás do pokušenia a zbav nás všetkého zla i utrpenia, čo prijde. Prosíme o pomoc, aby sme boli hodní Teba a nie trestov a pokarhania za hriechy, ale aby sme boli svätí a nehrešili a neprišlo na nás zlo, ktoré je pre tých, čo idú do zatratenia. Amen.
(Mária Eve, 29.8.2010)
Prayer for punishments and reprimands (for it that they are not divided on people)
We ask You, Lord and our Almighty God, do not lead us not into temptation and deliver us from all evil and suffering, what will come. Please help us to be worthy of You and not punishments and reprimands for sins, but that we would be holy and do not sin and there will not come any evil on us, which is for those who go into the perdition. Amen.
(Mary to Eve, 29/08/2010)