Modlitba za pomoc v najťažšej chvíli
Modlitba za pomoc v najťažšej chvíli
Modlím sa Pane Ježišu k Tebe modlitbu za pomoc v najťažšej chvíli života. Prosím Ťa o vojnu, aby nebola nikdy medzi mnou a ľuďmi. Prosím o pokoj a mier a vedenie Svätým Duchom na moju ochranu. Zošli prosím Ťa svojho archanjela Michaela, Gabriela, Rafaela na pomoc v najťažšej situácii. Prosím Ťa, Bože, vyslyš ma a daj mi pomocnú ruku.
Prayer for help in the most difficult moment
I pray to you, Lord Jesus, the prayer for help in the most difficult moment of the life. I beg You about the war that will be never between me and people. I ask for calm and peace and for leading by the Holy Spirit for my protection. Send, I please you, your Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael for assistance in the most difficult situation. I beg of You, God, hear me and give me a helping hand.
(Mary to Eve, August 20th, 2010, in Pezinok at Ave Maria)