Modlitba za lásku k manželovi, partnerovi, snúbencovi
Modlitba za lásku k manželovi, partnerovi, snúbencovi
Pre pokoj mojej mysle ma obživ Pane svojou prítomnosťou. Zošli sem anjelov lásky a daj mi pokoj mysle. Prosím o usporiadanie vzťahov medzi mnou a ........... Prosím o nehu a lásku, porozumenie a súcit. Za Tvoje ukrižovanie, aby ma pozdvihlo v ťažkom strese z opustenia, urážok, či iného zla a za svedomie partnera voči Tebe. Prosím o vyrovnanie vzťahov medzi mnou a Tebou a medzi partnerom a Tebou. Prosím o vedenie pre môjho partnera vo vzťahu. Zošli sem na pomoc svoje charizmy a porozumenie. Prosím o situácie a možnosti. Pane Ježišu, skláňam sa pred Tebou a prosím o zlepšenie života s partnerom a zoslanie pomoci aká je potrebná. Amen.
Prayer for the love to spouse, partner, fiancé
For peace of my mind, revive me, the Lord, by your presence. Send angels of love here and give me the peace of the mind. Please organize relations between me and ........... Please for tenderness and love, understanding and compassion. For Your crucifixion to lift me up the difficult stress from abandonment, insults, or any other evil and for the conscience of the partner toward you. Please for the settle of relations between me and thee and between partners and you. Please for leadership for my partner in the relationship. Send here for help your charismas and understanding. I please for situation and possibilities. Lord Jesus, I bow before You and please for improving of the life with partner and for the descent of the help as is necessary. Amen.
(Mary to Eve, August 20th, 2010, in Pezinok at Ave Maria)